"Police and Respect for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina"

"Police and Respect for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina"

The “Police Women’s Network” Association in cooperation with Center for Security Studies and the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF), started implementing the project “The police and the respect for human rights in BiH” in January, 2020. The project is funded by the European Union, and the overall objective of the project is to strengthen human rights within police agencies and when exercising police powers. 

More precisely, the specific objectives are:

- improve gender equality in police agencies
- promote the role of women in the police
- improve respect for human rights in the exercise of police powers through the promotion of human rights protection mechanisms in the case of abuse of police powers.

The project “The police and the respect for human rights in BiH” is funded by the EU through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, and project activities will be implemented over a 20-month period.

Within this project, two trainings for trainers on the topic of gender equality in the police were realized, and the police authorities in BiH finally received about 50 trained officers to conduct training on this topic. Also, a Handbook on "Gender Equality in Police Structures in BiH - Training Program" was prepared, intended for trained trainers. In that way, the institutional capacities for independent implementation of this education at the level of each police body have been provided. In this regard, it was initiated that the police authorities introduce education on this topic in the annual training plans and programs as mandatory, following the example of SIPA.

Also, a series of interviews with policewomen performing various jobs  in police bodies was conducted in order to promote the role of women in police work and encourage young girls and women to apply for public advertisements for admission to police structures, as well as a documentary called "The advantage we need."

More information on the implemented activities within this project can be found in the links below:











