Members of the Association attended the workshop "Integrated Security for Women's Rights Defenders" In the organization by the Cure Foundation, in the period 6-8 April, 2021, a workshop entitled "Integrated Security for Women's Rights Defenders" was held in Tarcin for policewomen, members of the "Policewomen's Network" Associati... 08.04.2021.
Improving the conduct of the police in investigating cases of discrimination within the police A two-day workshop on "Conduct in cases of genderbased discrimination and sexual harassment within the police" ends today in Konjic. The workshop is attended by police officers from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, employed... 01.04.2021.
RTV USK: "Women in Police" Campaign In the RTV USK daily news (20/3/2021) a television raport about the "Women in Police" Campaign was published. The campaign was launched in February this year as part of the "Police and Respect for Human Rights in BiH" project, imp... 22.03.2021.
Empowering policewomen to report sexual harassment within the ranks of the police A two-day workshop on "Raising Awareness of Gender-Based Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" was successfully completed in Konjic today, attended by about 30 policewomen from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thi... 05.03.2021.
The first interview of the #WomeninPolice campaign - Verica Golijanin, FUP On February 20, 2021, the #WomeninPolice campaign began, which is implemented within the project "Police and Respect for Human Rights", implemented by the Center for Security Studies - BiH in cooperation with the "Policewo... 22.02.2021.
Members of the Association attended the training "Prevention of gender based discrimination" In the period from 15 to 19 February, 2021, an online training was held for representatives of civil society organizations of human rights defenders on "Prevention of gender based discrimination", organized by the Foundation... 22.02.2021.