

Workshop in the MOI of Posavina Canton

Workshop in the MOI of Posavina Canton

Today (December 5, 2019), a workshop entitled "Raising Awareness of Gender Equality in Police Structures in B&H" was held in the official premises of the Posavina Canton MOI, attended by policewomen from the said ministry, members and potential members of the "Policewomen's Network" Association. The workshop was organized with the support of the OSCE Mission to B&H.

The workshop presented results of the reserch entitled "Human Rights Defenders in Police Structures in B&H - Anti-Discrimination Mechanisms", which provided data on the under-representation of policewomen in police structures at all levels in B&H. It is particularly emphasized that there are almost no women on senior and managerial positions,  decision-making positions.

The workshop specifically addressed gender equality issues in police structures, as well as exposure to workplace discrimination with a focus on gender discrimination and sexual harassment.
Considering the fact that there is a high dark number of discrimination cases in the police structures in B&H, the focus was on raising awareness of this problem, getting acquainted with basic forms of discrimination and mechanisms of protection.
The Association  continues to pursue further activities in this direction, all with the aim of protecting the rights and integrity of policewomen and achieving gender equality.

Previously published