

The president of the PWN spoke about women's leadership at the conference in Armenia

The president of the PWN  spoke about women's leadership at the conference in Armenia

The president of "Policewomen's Network" Association, Kristina Jozić, attended the conference "Participation of women as an important component of reforms in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Armenia", where she spoke about the importance of women's leadership and the challenges faced by fpolicewomen, especially in the context of advancement in higher positions, as well as the role and importance of women's networking in the security sector.


The conference was held on February 23, 2024. in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, organized by the MOI and international partners. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia works intensively to improve the position of women in the police, using examples of good practice and the experiences of police authorities around the world.

Previously published