

The president of the "Policewomen's Network" Association met with the delegation of the US Ministry of Justice

The president of the "Policewomen's Network" Association met with the delegation of the US Ministry of Justice

The president of the "Policewomen's Network" Association, Kristina Jozić, met today (July 3, 2023) in Sarajevo with the delegation of the US Ministry of Justice consisting of: Suganthi Gomathinayagam and Lynn Holland.

They discussed the position of women in police structures in BiH and the work of the "Policewomen's Network"  Association. The president of the Association presented the organizational structure, mission and vision, as well as the Association's goals and projects realized in recent years.

The delegation of the US Department of Justice presented the EMPoWER project, whose goal is to empower women in law enforcement agencies in the field of terrorism.

Modalities of future cooperation of mutual interest were agreed upon.

Previously published