Support from the management of DKPT BiH
The president of the "Policewomen's Network" Association, Kristina Jozić, was promoted to the rank of Independent inspector
The president of the "Policewomen's Network" Association, Kristina Jozić, was promoted to the rank of Independent inspector at the internal competition for promotion in the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies of BiH (DKPT BiH), thus becoming the first woman in this police rank in the DKPT BiH ever.
Director of the DKPT BiH, Mirsad Vilić, sent sincere congratulations to the president of the Association and pointed out that he was happy that during his mandate this police body got the first woman in the rank of Independent inspector.
In police bodies in BiH, there are only a few women in this rank, usually one or two, and in certain police bodies there are none at all. It is necessary to pay more attention to the representation and position of women in the coming period, bearing in mind the fact that it is impossible to effectively carry out tasks within the scope of work of the police body, without equal participation of women in different tasks, positions and decision-making levels.
Although we do not have a single woman with the highest police rank in the police structures in Bosnia and Herzegovina, such positive steps create the preconditions for getting women in the highest positions in the future.
The Association constantly reminds that increasing the number of women in the police, especially in leadership positions, does not mean only meeting quotas, but the need for the police to be a mirror of society and for the security needs of the entire society, men and women, to be met, that is, in ultimately increasing the efficiency of the police.