
The new Statute of PWNA was adopted

The Extraordinary Assembly of the "Policewomen's Network" Association was held in Konjic

The Extraordinary Assembly of the "Policewomen's Network" Association was held in Konjic

An Extraordinary Assembly of the "Policewomen's Network" Association was held in Konjic (30-31 August, 2023). At the Extraordinary Assembly, the new Statute of the Association and the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly were adopted.

After ten years of successful work, it was noticed that certain changes and additions to the current Statute of the Association need to be made, in order to improve the work of the bodies, specify the method of election and appointment of the menagement and bodies, which will ultimately affect the overall efficiency of the Association's work in implementing its mission and vision.

U proteklom periodu, sve članice Udruženja imale su mogućnost da posredstvom koordinatorica dostave svoje prijedloge u vezi sa izmjenama i dopunama Statuta. Nakon sagledavanja svih prijedloga, Upravni odbor Udruženja uz podršku ekspertica sačinio je prijedlog novog Statuta. Na održanoj Skupštini podržan je dio sačinjenih prijedloga, ali su delegirani i novi prijedlozi koji su u konačnici izglasani.

The President of the Association, Kristina Jozić, emphasized that the adoption of the new Statute was necessary, taking into account many years of work experience and the fact that certain provisions of the Statute were not adapted to current needs and situations in practice.

The new Statute foresees coordinators acting at the level of each police body, the president and vice-president of the Association are no longer members of the Management Board, the mandate of all bodies has been extended from two to three years, with the possibility of re-election. After passing the necessary procedures, the new Statute will be available on the website of the Association.

The activity was realized within the framework of the project "Strengthening the capacity of the Policewomen's Network Association", financially supported through the project Digitization and institutional and regional cooperation, which is financed by the Multilateral Trust Fund, in which the governments of Germany, Sweden, Great Britain, France, Norway and the Netherlands participate, with the support of the European Union, and implemented  by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Previously published