In the area of Canton 10, the Safe Network campaign I HAVE THE RIGHT! "To a life without fear! To a life without violence! On safety! was conducted
During the month of October, the "Policewomen's Network" Association within the mini-campaign of the Safe Network I HAVE THE RIGHT! "To a life without fear! To a life without violence! On safety! conducted a series of activities under the slogan "We are all responsible". The activities were realized in the area of Canton 10, in cooperation with the MOI of Canton 10.
The mini-campaign was organized by the affiliated members of the Safe Network within the project "Support to the Safe Network" financed by the OAK Foundation with the support of the Trag Foundation from Belgrade.
In this regard, info points and mobile points were organized in several cities, as well as a media campaign.
On 05.10.2023. police officers from the Livno Police Department, members of the PWN Association, were guests on a radio show on Radio Livno, where they spoke about activities within the mini-campaign and sent a message of zero tolerance to all forms of gender-based violence.
On 06.10.2023. an info counter was organized on the town square in Livno, where leaflets created as part of the mini-campaign and questionnaires as part of the survey were distributed to the citizens. Along with the distribution of leaflets, citizens were discussed about domestic violence, current problems with the aim of encouraging them to report any form of violence and sending a message of zero tolerance.
RTV HB made a contribution to the activities realized in the area of Livno. The TV crew was present on the spot, and policewomen spoke about the activities within the mini-campaign:
Further, on 09.10.2023., a mobile point was organized in Kupres, while on 10.10.2023, an info desk was organized in Drvar on the city square, where leaflets created as part of a mini-campaign were distributed to citizens.
Furthermore, on 10.10.2023. in Tomislavgrad, at PTC Prodex an info desk and distribution of the survey were organized. PRO TV made a report on the activities within the mini-campaign, as follows:
On 12.10.2023. mobile points were organized in Glamoč and Bosanski Grahovo, where leaflets created as part of a mini-campaign were distributed to citizens and with the same they were used to spread the word about domestic violence with the aim of raising awareness of this problem and sending a message of zero tolerance, and encouraging citizens to report all forms violence.
As part of the mini-campaign, two trainings were organized in Livno (October 9 and October 16) on the topic of gender-based violence for police officers newly employed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Canton 10 (32 officers) with the aim of strengthening the capacity of the police when dealing with reports of domestic violence.